Learning Mandarin: The Best Ways for Beginners to Master the Language

As the second-most spoken language in the world, Mandarin is fast becoming incredibly useful to know if you want to travel abroad or conduct business. It's also a great way to immerse yourself in Chinese culture and is, without question, a highly advantageous asset to have in the workplace nowadays.

If you're looking for ways to learn Mandarin fast, there are plenty of resources out there, but choosing the right one that really works for you can be a painstakingly long and arduous task, especially since every individual has different needs and requirements. With this in mind, here are a few effective ways to pursue your quest to learn and master Mandarin as a language.

Listen and learn

Everyone nowadays uses YouTube or Spotify to listen to their favourite songs and podcasts. Instead of jamming to your favourite tunes or focusing your attention on someone delving deeper into the topics that fascinate you during your commute to work or in your free time, listen to people speaking Mandarin and slowly gain a general understanding of how the different tone marks, or Pinyin, of words are pronounced. Doing this for a month or so will help you get accustomed to individual sounds and the basics of the language.

At first, it may be a bit daunting, especially since the language can be spoken quite rapidly. But, as the days go by and you start listening to Mandarin phrases and conversations more often, you will slowly start singling out certain words and repeat them using the right Pinyin.

Once you start developing a wide range of vocabulary, you can begin branching out and tackling more intermediate and advanced level aspects of the language.

In a nutshell, listening to videos and podcasts in Mandarin is one of the best ways to learn the language spoken by over a billion people.

An app-ealing answer

If videos and podcasts aren’t your thing, then the answer might literally be right in front of your face. You guessed it, your phone! There’s an overwhelming abundance of apps available for free that provides a fast and easy way to learn Mandarin.

What’s makes apps so appealing is that they are designed to be simple and cater to people of all different levels. Whether you’re looking for a beginner’s guide to learn Mandarin or simply want to get back in the flow after not having spoken the language for a long time, the apps available out there are ideal for getting you on the right track. 

Hit the books

Phrasebooks and simple storybooks are excellent resources when it comes to learning Mandarin as a language. Phrasebooks usually cover varying topics, meaning they will encompass the most useful aspects of conversing in Mandarin. This can include greeting people, ordering food, or asking general questions.

As for storybooks, many of them are aimed at children, but don’t let that stop you from picking up a few and using it as a tool to learn and enhance your Mandarin skills.

Whether you opt for a phrasebook or story book, one of the best ways to learn and practice the Mandarin words you read is to create a vocabulary list and keep revisiting it on a daily basis. Once you are comfortable with saying certain words, you can start implementing them into your conversations.

Tutor time

If a one-on-one or small group setting suits you more, there are plenty of tutors out there who can pass on their expertise to you.

Linguabox provides tailor-made packages that are ideal for every person and what they want to learn. Tailored curriculums can be created depending on the area they want to focus on, and homework will be given to ensure a smooth and fast process to learning Mandarin.

Flexible scheduling is also available for those with busy lives, such as children who have to attend school or adults who have to work. What’s more is the tutors at Linguabox prepare carefully crafted notes that act as a beginner’s guide to learning Mandarin. This way, you can focus on the lesson instead of trying to write down everything that you are being taught.

Practice makes perfect

This adage might be old, but it is one of the best ways to learn and improve your Mandarin skills. Using an app and having a vocabulary list is all well and good but getting out there and actively engaging in conversation with people in Mandarin is among the top ways to really boost your abilities in mastering the language.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Instead of being embarrassed, laugh it off and tell the person or group of people you are talking to that you are learning to speak Mandarin. A vast majority of them will praise you for your efforts and compliment you for taking on the challenge of pursuing their mother tongue. Once the plaudits come rolling in, your self-confidence will rise and your passion for learning Mandarin will burn brighter than ever.

Your way is the best way

There are many paths to venture down when it comes to learning Mandarin, but the best way to do so is the one that you feel most comfortable and happy with. These different methods are just the tip of the iceberg, as there are plenty of other ways that serve as a perfectly good beginner’s guide to learning Mandarin fast. Whichever route you go down, be sure to develop your vocabulary, speak to people regularly, and most importantly, have a lot of fun!


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