5 Reasons to Learn Mandarin

Globally recognised and increasingly used in everyday life throughout the world, Mandarin is fast becoming the language to know. With a plethora of incredible benefits ranging from travel to business, there are plenty of reasons why people are eager to learn Mandarin. Given the many pros the language boasts, it is easy to come up with a massive list of why someone should learn Mandarin Chinese. However, we at Linguabox have picked the top 5 reasons and benefits of studying it.


Why are People Learning Mandarin?


Before jumping into our list, let’s have a quick look at the language itself. You may ask yourself why should I learn Mandarin and what benefits will it provide me? There are plenty of reasons to learn Mandarin, but let’s start with the fact that it is the second-most spoken language in the world after English. Imagine being able to communicate with over a billion people in the world - this by itself should encourage you to delve right into learning the language.


It is also worth pointing out China’s ever-growing influence in the world, which has resulted in many people seeing Mandarin as a language that will come in handy in the future.


Furthermore, Mandarin is not only limited to China, as some people may think. More than 70 countries and regions worldwide have incorporated Mandarin into their national education systems as of the end of 2020.


With the demand to learn Mandarin expected to keep growing, let’s take a look at the reasons to learn it.


The Many Benefits of Learning Mandarin


1. Widespread Use in Business


Mandarin is one of the most widely used languages in business around the world, especially since China is a major player across multiple industries. Since many companies worldwide deal directly with China or have headquarters in cities like Hong Kong, Shenzhen or Beijing, knowing Mandarin allows you to communicate more effectively and efficiently with clients and business partners in the country. As a result of being able to communicate in a common dialect, you will be able to build stronger and more harmonious relationships.


2. Incredible Job Opportunities


One of the biggest pros of learning Mandarin is the amazing career prospects that open up to you. Whether you plan to move to China to work or are applying for jobs in your home country, knowing Mandarin is a major benefit as many companies and employers are looking for talented individuals that have a solid grasp of the language.


Speaking Mandarin is the key to opening a vast treasure trove of job opportunities across various sectors where your interests may lie. Whether it’s working in hospitality, business or technology, having a solid understanding of Mandarin will give your career a major boost in the right direction.


3. Travel with Confidence


Another key reason why you should learn Mandarin is that you will be able to enjoy a more authentic travel experience in China. With some of the richest culture and heritage found anywhere in the world, you can truly immerse yourself in the wondrous treasures the country has to offer by being able to speak Chinese.


In addition to the culture, many tourists travel to China to marvel at the intriguing ancient history and picturesque natural sights. Therefore, one of the benefits of studying Mandarin is that you will be able to communicate with the locals and have meaningful conversations that will enhance your overall knowledge about the country.


It is also worth knowing that Mandarin can come in handy when you are outside China since the language is spoken in a number of other countries, including Singapore, Taiwan and Mongolia. Being able to travel with confidence in these three countries, plus China, is already four very good reasons to learn Mandarin.


4. A Wide Range of Learning Materials


Mandarin can seem like a daunting language to learn, especially when looking at the different characters and considering there are four tones to master. However, one of the benefits of learning Chinese is that there are many resources available to help you pick up the language. As a result, many people are pleasantly surprised to find that Mandarin is actually a lot less complicated to learn than they initially thought.


A wide variety of fun learning materials, including apps, videos and online learning platforms, such as Linguabox, can be utilised to make learning Mandarin an enjoyable and memorable process.


5. Writing Chinese Will Wake Up Your Creativity


The way Chinese symbols and characters look and work, can be so much more than just a text, especially for those accustomed to alphabetic symbols. Writing can be really fun and much closer to drawing than writing a text. Learning how to write the strokes that become Mandarin characters can immensely improve your motor skills and visual recognition, thus waking up your creative side and making you more perceptive.


Learn Mandarin Today


With so many benefits associated with learning Chinese, it’s never too late to start the learning process. The next time you ask yourself should I learn Mandarin, the answer should be a resounding yes since there are a multitude of reasons to do so - all of which can positively impact your life in so many wonderful ways.


If you are ready to get your Mandarin journey started today, try Linguabox’s free one-on-one trial. Should you require further information about our courses or teachers, feel free to get in touch with us and we will be glad to answer any questions you may have.


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